Green and Its Pure Beauty

By Madison

Green feels like the prickly grass conglomerated under finger tips

The leaves crunch

Under the pure strength of nature

The only comfort to look to

A security blanket

The smashed grass compressed under the mass of life

The life of the world’s texture

The beauty of slime like a frog’s insides

Its unique scent of fresh cut grass

In the evening

Spongy, soft texture of moss climbing up the rigid tree trunk

The silent movement of microscopic insects scavenging for food

In the moon light

Seaweed swaying on the midst of the waves crashing against shore


What life works around


By Lexi

I tap my foot to the music

12345678 my conscious announces

Beats of music chasing through my body

Lightning bolts of music

Have you ever had the desire to dance?

The feeling’s phenomenal

Gives me a rush

Dancing is my passion

My life

My stress reliever

A description of my emotions

If I’m sad, depressed, or just flat out ticked off

I’ll just pick a song

Start dancing

You’ll know exactly how I’m feeling within thirty seconds

This is my dance

I Got A Feeling

By Brad

Only the song and my heartbeat

Are going through my ears

A mission is what it sends me on

The goosebumps run through my body

It makes me feel at peace

But visions dive

Through my head

I see not through my eyes but through my brothers

The body falls and my brother has to keep moving

I feel the sadness

It’s dark and wraps itself around me

Then and only then you hear voices

Quiet to where you can hear them


Then you press replay

And run it again


By Jessica

Basketball feels like a

Cold breeze rushing

On me when I am

Running through

the people down the

Court with the ball

It makes me taste the

Sweat just splashing

In my mouth

The sweat

Rushing down in

My eyes forcing me to be


Listening to the all

Off the people cheering

Me and everybody else


It looks like a bunch

Of girls all sweaty and

Sticky killing themselves

Just to get the ball and

Get a point to win

The game


By Lane

Peace, shouts to me

Filling my ears

With what any sane person would want to hear

All shouting, all fighting, all war has ceased

Over-powering all other feelings

Peace whispers, quiet as the wind

“Hush, there is no more to worry about.”

Peace tells me I have no need

To hold fear in any longer

Peace, that gently carried me

Through all hard times

Peace sings me to sleep

With the most enchanting lullaby

Peace is now blowing through the wind

To soothe another fearful soul

Hurt – Like Purple Swollen Bruises

By Sarah

Like a sad face

Like the sobbing from afar

Like the shatter of the window

Their way of escape

The crumble of the heart

The slow dissolving of the soul

The heartbeat racing

As the tears form a puddle on the floor

Like extra saliva

Or the salty teardrops

Flowing down the damaged face

The broken face

But most of all the hurt face

Like the pulse racing

And the brain almost shutting down

To where you just cant take it anymore

And you just have to SCREAM! Then cry

So overwhelming

So frustrating

And it only hurts worse to talk about it

Like crutches and a cast

Like a black eye and it hurts to cry

Like a scar

A scar on your heart

That will be there forever

Like when your favorite pet dies

Like when you have worked so hard yet it is still being criticized

Like 100˚ of weather

Yet not a drop of water

Hurt is very powerful

It can change a rainbow to gray

A sunny day

To a snowy day

Day to night

But most of all

A smile

To a tear

Hurt: like the purple swollen bruise

The Taste of War

By Caleb

War tastes like uncertainty,

The taste of blackness and bitterness lingers

Upon your taste buds.

Stingy coffee sticks and sprouts rapidly

Around the vicinity of your mouth,

Unbearable amounts of sourness,

Foreign and cruel,

Deadly quantities of blood swishing

Roughly through your turning stomach,

The taste so distinct and threatening,

Mingles throughout sorrowful life…


By Gabby

Happiness tastes like Pop Rocks

Tiny explosions in my mouth

Watermelon or Cherry

Even Strawberry or Blue Raspberry

Smile and smiles everywhere

All over your face

Your skin tightens up

Making you smile

Which is a sure sign of happiness

Happiness is everywhere

Just make someone laugh

And it will be there


By Esmeralda

Fear sounds like

The screams

From nine-eleven

Like the crashing and shattering

Of the


While silver glass falls


With life

 The angry wind

Looks down

On the people

Who dread the cruel devious


Coming closer

To take


Souls and Lives

So they hide


Insignificant turtles


Fear to go



Shoreline that

Holds the


For it is


What unknown


Is to



What Does Hunting Smell Like?

By Auston

Hunting smells like old rotten

Leaves and mud mixed with

The pleasant smell of

Droppings in a pasture

The animal’s carcasses knarled

With not a stitch of meat

Left on the bones,

A stream filled with dirt

And fish with old oak trees

Drifting away as they rot,

And sometimes the smell of


Why Do We Live?

By Jackie

Love tastes like sour candy

Always hurting you

Your taste buds

Your soul

But you always come back for more

Again… again

It’s so appetizing and so addicting

We are so stubborn to figure out its bad for us

Comforting laundry detergent

Sweet, fresh roses

Blossoming, spring day with its scent drifting away from itself            

holding in my nostrils


Warm fluffy arms wrapped around mine never letting go

My loving teddy bear

Smiles miles long

Laughing hard

Stomach burning, pure happiness


Sunsets screaming thousands of emotions 9 P.M July

After none stop in the hotness of the scorching sun

The only reason for living

Only reason for smiling

Next to me all day

Waves swooshing back and forth… back and forth…

Comforting the spirits that were destined for each other


The thing warming the sun

And my heart


By Chase

Snowboarding tastes like freezing wind

Punching you in the face

It smells like a jet flying at Mach 10

0r a marshmallow melted in a fire

It sounds likes a avalanche when you go over ice

It tastes like a lemon lime slushy

And smells like hot chocolate

It feels like frigid wind hitting your eye

It sounds like a fire when you come to a stop

And two drum sticks cracking

At the end of the day

How Excellent Sunshine Can Smell and Taste

By Ambral

Sunshine smells like

a new day

new beginning

a fresh start

of your new life

It smells like

Hot coffee,

Soft smelling new born babies

A colorful bouquet of roses from the store

Sunshine taste like

New glazed donuts just coming from the bakery

Hand made chocolate chip cooks from the oven

Homemade soul food

Fried chicken

French curled fries

now you know sunshine can smell like anything

But a question lays on my mind

What does sunshine smell or taste like to you?

Softball in the Spring

By Allison

Softball is the smell of

The cold breezy spring air

With the taste of

Sweat draining down my face,

While pitching the ball to the batter

Concentrating on whether the pitch

Is a good hit or to let it go as a ball

Anxious for the ball,

To come right back at me

Hearing the sound of my teammates

Distracting the batter

Saying, “Hey batter”

The feeling or adrenaline

Rushing through my head

Around the bases

On my way home

“Bam” goes the crack of the bat

When my friend hits

The 1st homerun of the season

Around the bases she goes

Making us win the game

The crowd goes crazy

We finally won the game

After six long exhausting innings


By Evan

Happiness tastes like

A gigantic lollipop from the fair

Kids running around with one

A smile on their faces and

A lollipop in their hand

Happiness sounds like a

Cluster of kids yelling and

Screaming having fun

Going down an extremely large waterslide

Shouting with joy

Happiness looks like a family

Having a picnic in the park

Just laughing

And enjoying every moment


What Does Pain…

By Sara

Pain feels like ice water being poured on my head

Sounds like the screech of nails on a teachers chalk board

and too many things that were left unsaid

Pain smells like spicy, stench-full spices in a huge bowl in the hot sun

Tastes like nasty cold medicine on the worst rainy day ever

Pain looks like when you look around to see poor, homeless, over stressed

men and women crying on the streets

Pain feels like a bee sting in my hand and a horse hoof to the throat

Sound like slaps and cries of beaten, sorry children

Smells like sweat and tears rolling off my cheeks

Pain tastes like a cigarette’s smoke from a long forgotten pedestrian

Looks like a scar on a grown man’s back

Pain feels like a blade to the hand in the bloody battle for your life

Sounds like cries of pain and un-forgetful screams

Smells like prune juice and grape cold medicine

What is Happiness, Truly?

By Jaden

Happiness tastes like a warm

Cake fresh out of the oven

Chocolate syrup dripping all over

Happiness feels like

Touching the warm fur of a new puppy

On your birthday

Happiness smells like

Freshly picked flowers

On a Sunday afternoon

Happiness looks like

A warm summer morning

With all the dew drops

Sprinkled on the wet grass

Happiness sounds like

A trip to the beach

The little splashes of the waves

Seagulls chirping

The kids laughing with joy

Warm breeze going across the water

What Does Hunting Sound Like?

By Zack

Hunting sounds like guns clinking together

as me and my uncle walk through the woods

like birds chirping

at 5am in the morning

like the wind whistling through the beautiful trees

boots crunching on leaves that blew off branches

the sound of the deer trotting their way through

 the woods at day break

“Bang” the sounds of shot guns going off

At the deer crackling there way in front of the hunters

Hunting sounds like a majestic calm waterfall

In the middle of nowhere

Like a place to go to relieve stress and anger


By Edgar

“Boom” is the sound of my opponent

eating the mat.

Nasty experience

Fermenting taste of blood,

Sweaty and musty smell

Feeling his bicep squeezing on my neck

High adrenaline crawling through my veins

I feel him kicking to get out of my cradle

As I go for the pin I hear the shouting of my team mates

I destroy him by the end of the match


By Cheyanna

Love smells like freshly picked flowers

on Valentine’s Day

A peaceful summer morning

The sunshine in the

sweet afternoon

Love tastes like chocolate on your

wedding anniversary

Like a sugar cane

Sweet wine on

your wedding night

Love feels like a warm

sensation in your stomach

A warm chocolate cake coming out

of the oven

Love sounds like

You just fell in love again

Sounds like

Your heart is beating a thousand times faster than

It normally would

That is what I think of



By Tyler

Smells like burning skin

Like the smell of a explosion

Ashes burning on your tongue

Like scorched ground

Flames everywhere in sight

A single person

Walking out of it burnt

But not dead a face like a monster

The sound of sirens



A warzone

No pain

What Love Tastes Like…

By Tony

Love tastes like freshly baked

Brownies, your body

Is filling with good creamy joy

Eyes start to glow like freshly opened lemonheads

And start to close like

A banana getting re-established,

Excited to see

Her again, your mind is about to pop into

Millions of little candy hearts that

Taste like love

Love, Like a Rollercoaster

By Mackenzie


Squishy warm sand between my toes


The piece of your once lost, missing puzzle piece; found and put in place

The hope of being together forever

Now, it’s just the matter of making it last

Staying together

Like the sugar passed onto my tongue

The adventurous, adrenalin rushing feeling

The awkward sweaty feeling, like being on a rollercoaster

Birds chirping, whispy wind, blowing in the breeze

The flower petals slowly sinking;

He loves me, he loves me not.

Love, the blood rusher, giving me the time of my life.♥